1940 Part I

            They went on toward water and came to the freshet falling over rocks in the steep groin between two pine hills. Aleks leaped immediately to a rounded stone so that the spate surrounded him.

The snows are melting in the highlands, Trn said but Aleks seemed not to hear. The boy vaulted to the far bank, smiled up at Trn, dropped to his knees and fashioned a sloop from an oak leaf, a smaller leaf for sail. Squatting he set it into the current and watched it ride. He spoke across the flume.


            Aleks made a horn of his hands. Will my boat?

            Trn crossed with two long strides, crouched beside the boy.

            Will my boat sail to the lake and go over the dam?

We’re south of the dam, downstream. So I’m afraid your little boat is destined to float past wide fields and under the bridges of beautiful cities and into the Danube and then the Black Sea.

Is the sea really black?

I think it is.

Will I see the sea one day?

I’m sure you’ll cross many seas.

            Someday we’re going to build a boat and sail it on the lake, aren’t we? Only a little boat. Will it be as long as this? He stretched his arms. I want it to be blue. With red sails and white lines. Can it be blue?

            Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Trn said.

            They spoke of squirrels that barked lies about the humans crossing their forest down below and the different shapes of leaves they trod and the three or four black birds that scurried into the air from a bush Aleks kicked. The birds had been eating red berries and Aleks stripped some that rolled in his palm and they marveled how birds had stomachs that could swallow them but boys must never because they were poison. They looked for hedgehogs balled in the underbrush but none showed themselves and Aleks talked of the two new boys from somewhere in Slovakia whom he was helping with school routines. Next week was his mark on the calendar to feed the mouse in his cage and he wouldn’t forget but Franto would sing every morning, Aleks, mouse, Aleks, mouse. He picked a stick and whipped it to break against a trunk.

            How do you know Franto will do this?

            He does it every time.

            If he does it to everyone try not to worry over it.

            Aleks flung the remnant of stick toward a bush. Trn looked at the sky.

            We should start our climb home.

            I don’t like the climb back.

            I know. It’s not easy but it’s good for us. To work to get back home.

            The last stretches on the street in the unshaded noon were thirsty. He held the hose in the garden for Aleks while the boy slurped then he drank. They trooped upstairs and seeing Alena and Miroslav in the sitting room Trn said, What’s wrong?